More Wedding Invitation "Don'ts"


Last week, I covered a few things that you shouldn’t include on your wedding invitations. This week, I thought I’d continue the theme of what not to do. These are a few things that I try to steer my clients away from during the custom wedding invitation design process:

Offending Your B-List

Everybody has a few guests that just didn’t make the cut. It’s perfectly acceptable to invite them once your A-listers start RSVPing “no”. However, receiving an invite for a wedding with less than three weeks’ notice is a dead giveaway that you weren’t on the first draft of the guest list. It’s also difficult to find childcare, arrange time off from work, etc. with not a lot of prior notice. Some people might take offense, so tread carefully.

Using Address Labels

I get it. Hand-addressing your wedding invitations is a pain! Using address labels is usually viewed as tacky in the custom wedding invitation industry. Think of it this way: If your invitations are bespoke, why wouldn’t you want your envelopes to also meet the highest standards of presentation?

If hand-addressing envelopes doesn’t appeal to you, talk to me about pre-printing your envelopes. Or, for a more elegant presentation, I highly recommend hiring a calligrapher! Let me know if you’re thinking of going that route. I’d be happy to give you a referral.


This is the number one mistake that people make when ordering custom wedding invitations! It’s hard to stick to a schedule, but if you’re going to do one thing ahead of time, make it your invitations. I recommend scheduling your initial consultation at least six months in advance. This will leave plenty of time for us to confer about your design, work through the proofing process, and still send them out at least six weeks before your date.

Still not sure about custom wedding invitation etiquette? Schedule your free consultation with me! I’ll answer any questions you might have.

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