Jenna and Andrew both reside in Canada, but neither one could pass up the opportunity to return to her hometown for their wedding. Philadelphia was the only place to celebrate on September 18, 2016! The pair planned a glamorous and elegant wedding at Finley Catering’s Ballroom at the Ben. If you’re hosting a Philadelphia wedding, an iconic venue seems like an obvious choice!
While we were designing their suite, they were quick to note their preferred color palette: forest green and silver. I loved the combination! A triple layer pocketfold invitation suited their soiree wonderfully as did digital printing. Because I never pass up an opportunity to incorporate glitter as long as my clients are on-board, I especially loved their silver glitter bellyband. I think this touch made Jenna and Andrew’s custom monogrammed piece, complete with a nod to Philadelphia’s famed LOVE statue, stand out even more.
Jenna and Andrew, I loved working with you to design your invitations! And, I can’t wait to share all of the beautiful details Carly Fuller captured with you.