Krystal + Ryan's Peacock and Tie Dye Wedding Invitation Suite

Monogram, Wedding Invitations

peacock, tie-dye wedding invitation, peacock, blue, purple, yellow

Have I mentioned before that I love when brides think out of the box and want to do something unique with their wedding invitations? Krystal is definitely one of those brides.

Krystal is a photographer and she is the owner of K & M Studios. Krystal contacted me last year after she saw an invitation I did for Jane + Dave, who were clients of mine in 2011.  Krystal loved the pocketfold invitation that I designed for them, and she decided she wanted a similar style of invitation for her wedding. The theme of Krystal and Ryan’s wedding is a peacock and tie dye theme. So unique right? Here is what we came up with!




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